in Blog posts

blog post #2

When Stephen Marche states, “creative A.I. is going to change everything. It’s also going to change nothing,” Marche is able to recognize the Yin and Yang of A.I.’s influence on creativity. I feel as though A.I. will completely transform the creative space by making it easier to write, produce art, and partake in other forms of self-expression.The way A.I speeds up processes that normally takes way more time to complete. The progression that’s taking place in technology can lead to a flood of creative outputs, because It’s breaking down stigmas, and allowing people more free will to experiment with newer forms of self-expression. However, with these advancements in technology, Marche implies that the want to over step boundaries and express unique ideas will remain unchanged. Just as decades and centuries ago technologies like photography and digital art tools didn’t eliminate the traditional forms of creativity but expanded them, A.I. will do the same. It may change the process of writing, and other forms of expression but the main source of creative expression still lies within the human. While A.I. will change how we create, it won’t alter what it means to be creative.