11/01: 10:30AM FinLit for Life: Teaching Financial Literacy at a Community College.

Please invite students to the first workshop highlighting the Library’s new free resource: FinLit for Life: Teaching Financial Literacy at a Community College.  

Students will use FinLit for Life to discover ways to: 

  • Differentiate between Needs and Wants 
  • Manage Your Emotions While Improving Your Finances 
  • Make a SMART Savings Goal
  • Differentiate between Fixed and Variable Expenses 

When: Wednesday, November 1, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 

Where: Zoom (Register in advance to attend!) 


All students who attend will be in a raffle drawing to win a Ti-30Xs Multiview Scientific Calculator! 

Blog Post #3 prompt

Why is it crucial for artificial intelligence technology to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how do you believe these principles can positively impact AI development and its broader societal implications?