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Controversial AI art

Art is very subjective. At this point anything can be art. Three dots on a piece of paper may be considered art to someone. If you can explain what it is or how it has inspired you “voila”! We have art. Even though AI consists of generated images, one would have to put their own ideas into words to produce said images. Therefore AI generated images of ones ideas may very well be art.
To say artists’ concerns on AI generated art is exaggerated would be unfair. I cannot invalidate one’s views, with everyone being entitled to their own opinion. You also don’t know how much time and effort one has put in to master their craft. However, the world is very progressive. New and improved innovations are happening around us everyday. I do feel Mr. Allen did his research. He became enthralled with the midjourney program and created hundreds of images and got it down to a select three. In his own right putting his time and effort into his work producing a successful outcome. He also did not cheat contrary to what other contestants believed. He made it very clear exactly how his work was created by submitting it under his name Jason M. Allen via midjourney.
Although there are concerns about AI generated art replacing human artists, I will say if you have a talent, any talent for that matter no one can take that from you. That is yours and only yours. You have an intricate eye for whatever thoughts you have floating around in your mind, and only you can replicate it. That being said, no tool or computer can replace your mind. When they invent mind reading technology then we are screwed.